campaign : Where Have All The Animals Gone
campaigner : Anna a great example of : planning issue: environmentideas for planning
Your Turn To Plan
A Curator's Perspective
This zine is wonderful in its inclusive and non-judgmental approach. Rather than preaching, it gives useful information and I love the cute animals doing quirky things!
Sharing your passion for a cause doesn't always have to be doom and gloom. From personal experience, it's a great opportunity to meet new people, make friends and enjoy being creative.
Could you set up a club or collective for zine-making with friends? A fun informal commitment can make activism easier to manage with your daily life.
Pause for Thought
Wacky collages of animals add humour to the zine, cut-out letters create a DIY feel and illustrations give a personal touch. How could you add humour to your own campaign?
What about added extras? Anna included a discount for readers with their first purchase at Birmingham's 'The Clean Kilo', a local and plastic-free zero-waste supermarket. This zine won't be put in the (recycling) bin as it gives readers an incentive to hold on to it and start making more sustainable choices.