Keywords and Key people
The what's what and Who's who
You might have spotted some of these words around the Expo. If they're new to you, here's our guide on what they mean to us.
Making for Change
Making for Change is a Craftspace project for young people, offering different ways for them to create positive change around issues they care about through making. To find out more check out the Making for Change blog.
Craft + Activism = Craftivism. Using craft to make positive change in society by visually speaking out about social and political issues, causes or injustices.
Campaigning or working for positive change in society by speaking out about injustice in different ways.
Social change
Changes to values, attitudes, traditions, standards or behaviours within society.
Political change
Change that addresses the balance around ideas and values between the government and the people it serves, stemming from issues that people in the country are facing.
Individual action
Actions around social or political change taken by an individual based on their own choices and beliefs e.g. choosing to cycle instead of drive.
Collective Action
Actions around social and political change taken by a group working together based on a collectively held belief e.g. working to petition a city council to make more cycle lanes.
Social Action
Taking steps to change the things that are wrong in our society and introducing new ideas and processes for doing things better in the future.
Supporting social or political causes with the minimum amount of effort e.g. ‘liking’ a social media page or buying a wristband.
A society where citizens have the opportunity to be recognised and advanced in proportion to their abilities and accomplishments.